Mälarlejonet Xindy

Leonberger siden 1979
Leonberger since 1979

N SUch Mälarlejonet Xindy 

Født 25. juni 1989
Død 4. juni 1998

Xindy kom til oss etter at vi mista Bamse. Ei lita søt og snill jente med sterke meninger. Xindy skulle bare være familiehund og turkamerat, men ble så utrolig mye mer. Barnas beste venn, vår turkamerat, vi jobbet med lydighet, agility og utstilling. Hun hadde et fantastisk gemytt og var en hund vi kunne stole på i alle sammenhenger. Margreta fra Malarlejonet kennel klarte også å overbevise oss om at en så bra hund burde bringe sine flotte egenskaper videre. Dermed var vårt lille oppdrett  igang, og Xindy fødte to flotte kull. Hun døde 9 år gammel.

Xindy came to us after we lost Bamse. A sweet and kind little girl, with strong opinions. She was only supposed to be a family-dog and hiking-companion, but she became so much more. The childrens best friend, our hiking-companion, and we worked with obedience, agility and dog shows. She had a wonderful disposition and was a dog web could trust in all circumstances. Margreta from Malarlejonet kennel managed to convince us that such a great dog should pass her great qualities on. That was the start of our small breeding, and Xindy gave us two wonderful litters. She died at the age of 9 years.